Over the last few weeks we have been answering many questions about the 43rd Lechit Run. It was difficult to give a meaningful and final answer in a situation when decision-makers were constantly receiving contradictory and often absurd declarations and translations about mass events in the era of covid-19. Many of you, like us, involved in the organization, wanted the 43rd Lechity Run to be held at least on a smaller scale. Some of the competitors openly said that they were afraid of the threat and would rather not come to this year’s race. There were also those who questioned the organization of the run in a very limited setting, because it was thanks to it that the run had a unique character and atmosphere. This time it would be missing …
Therefore, after consulting the President of Gniezno, Tomasz Budasz and the Head of the Road Traffic of the District Police Headquarters in Gniezno, Karol Sekula, due to the constant epidemic threat and the inability to organize a sports event for such a large number of participants, we came to the conclusion that we were unable to run in the current formula, nor to set a new, safe date.
Thus, we would like to inform you that the 43rd Lechit Race this year will be held in a virtual version.
However, we want to continue the tradition of the annual Lechity Run, which has been held continuously since 1987. Therefore, we decided that all those who would like to continue this tradition and take part in the 43rd Lechity Run, will receive a unique commemorative T-shirt and, as always, a unique medal.
We have been working on a very interesting medal design for the next two editions of the Lechit Race for a long time. Continuing the historical threads that accompany the Lechitów Run, after receiving the consent of the Archdiocese of Gniezno to use the image of the Gniezno Doors, we have planned that for each participant of the next two editions of the run, medals will create a miniature of these Doors.

We realize that it is also not easy for you, when you have already paid for several runs many times. This shows that now – as never before – we need your understanding and solidarity, and we want to be transparent towards you.
In connection with the above, the starting fee paid by you (although, in accordance with the Regulations, in situations beyond the control of the Organizer, it is not refundable), we suggest you use one of the following options:
Rewriting the entry fee for the 44th Lechitów Run (September 2021)
Free transfer of the starter pack to another person (in person on your Datasport account until August 25, 2020)
People who do not want to take advantage of any of the above possibilities and know that they will not be able to virtually participate in the run, at their request, the organizer will send a T-shirt from the 43rd Run of Lechites at his own expense.
Transferring the fee to the 43rd Lechity Run – virtual edition.
Transferring the fee from the Half Marathon to the Lechit Five – virtual edition.
Transferring the fee from Piątka Lechitów to Piątka Lechitów virtual edition.
As organizers, but also as runners, we encourage you to leave your entry fee and participate in the virtual edition.
If you decide on the first option – write to us by August 25, 2020 at biuro@klubaltom.pl
If you decide on the second option – do it on your Datasport account by August 25, 2020.
If you decide on the third option – by August 25, 2020, to the address biuro@klubaltom.pl, send the details and address to which we are to send the T-shirt and size.
If you decide on the fourth option – you do not have to do anything, after August 25, 2020, you will be automatically transferred to the 43rd Lechit Race – virtual edition.
If you decide on the fifth option – write to us by August 25, 2020 at biuro@klubaltom.pl
If you decide on the sixth option – you don’t have to do anything, after August 25, 2020, you will be automatically transferred to the Five Lechites – virtual edition.
In exceptional cases, by August 25, 2020, please send an e-mail to biuro@klubaltom.pl containing a request for a refund of the starting fee and confirmation of the transfer – it is necessary to verify payments (they were received on Datasport accounts) – this option is presented at the end and we hope that it will be used in exceptional circumstances.
Due to the costs incurred by us, please make these decisions carefully. Requests will be considered individually. We count on your understanding of our situation.
At the same time, we would like to inform you that the 43rd Lechitów Run virtual edition is part of the Crown of Polish Half Marathons – by correspondence (details at: https://psb-biegi.com.pl/korona-polmaratonow-polskich-korespondencyjnie/)
With friendly, running greetings –
The organizers of the 43rd Lechit Race